Sunday 25 December 2011

Do you have any New Year's Resolutions?

Happy Holidays

Wishing everyone a fun and safe winter holiday. Enjoy your time with friends and family.
See you in the new year.
Don't forget, we go skating on the 10th of January in the afternoon, make sure you have all your winter clothing so that you are ready for a good time.

Don't forget we're going skating on January 10th, 2012
I changed the settings, so now you can comment on your friends posts.

Wednesday 21 December 2011

My Chilly Winter Story

         It was a snowy day. The schools were closed, everyone who had a job got the day off, all the stores were having a 50% off sale. And every kid in the block were planning to do something big!

         A boy named Daniel and his friends: Jake, Thomas, and Brian were going to have an extreme snow ball fight, with soft piles of snow all over the backyard.

        Daniel invited everyone over. Everyone got ready to throw a snowball and Daniel, Jake, Thomas, and Brian heard a scream that sounded like "GO"!

        After that, white started to fly all over the place and hitting everyone and their faces. 2 hours passed, and when a storm cloud passed over every ones head and drenched them. The 4 kids went inside, got some hot cocoa, got dressed in sweaters, sat next to a fire, and talked to each other about their day. Daniel thought he would do this every year.

                                                             Seasons Greetings Everone!!!

                                                            By: Hamzah. S

Boys Basketball

The boys in Valleyfield grade four, five and six have been practicing and practicing very hard for the tournament in the first week of February. But don't get your hopes up folks, the coaches Miss.Rattner, Miss.Patrick and Mme. Bangma are still going to make a cut. They will be cutting off at least 5 or 6 students. We are very pleased that we have 2 students at our school who have a dad who coaches Basketball, his name is Mr.Chau. Mr.Chau has been teaching us different skills and techniques, which includes dribbling, passing and many of our teammates favourite, shooting. Mr.Chau has been teaching our boys and girls team this year only.
My teammates, my coaches and I really appreciate mr Chau, because he takes his own time and comes to coach at our school. Mr. Chau has coached our school very well, in the tournament our school has done great! We also really appreciate that are coaches Mme.Bangma, Miss.Rattner and Miss Patrick who have taken their own time to come and coach us, instead of preparing for the next day of school. I wish my teammates and me good luck to make that cut and that our school will do great at the tournament!
" i know we could do it guys make valleyfield proud!"

                                                       Good Luck!

                                                                                                                            By: Daniel.Jacob

what are you doing over the holidays

It 's our last week at school before  the holidays,we are excited and happy at the same time because we have 2 weeks off. Well get presents.Some people celebrates hanukah and some people celebrates christmas and kwanza here at valleyfield. In Miss.Rattner class some people celebrates all. We asked some people how they celebrates. 






jonathan:i am going to be with my family to celebrate christmas and try to beat some of my faviorite video games and play with my presents.
you get to do all this things   

                                                 happy holidays !!!!!!


Tuesday 20 December 2011

Boys Volleyball

Go,Valleyfield,Go! The grade 4-5 boys volleyball team played amazingly awesome. They had clashing battles against different schools. The last game for first with Princess Margaret was great. Eventually they came in second, the score was 13-15. The grade 6 team was on fire in their first tournament. They came in first in all their games. They went to the finals and versed Princess Margaret but lost 22-25. On the grade 4-5 team was Hamza, Daniel, Guled, Hassan, Abdulsamad, Bilaal, Andre, and Tyler. On the grade 6 team was Brandon, Joshua, Kaleel, Edgar, Robert and Anthony. The wonderful coaches that taught these amazing players are Mr.Graydon and Miss.Malenkovich. Right now the girls are practicing for their tournament. Wish them good luck. By: Abdulsamad


This months character trait is Kindness and Caring.

Kindness and Caring is putting your friends and associatiors before yourself.Its showing understanding of others by treating them with compassion,generosity,and a forgiving spirit.Its being gentle,willing to help,,friendly and considerate.Its showing concern or sympathy for others.also its being sensitive to the neeeds of others.
By Jedidiah

What Does Kindness and Caring Mean To You ?
Add a comment below, share your ideas with the class.

Friday 16 December 2011

You Can Comment TOO!

Remember that you can comment on your friends post, remember to be respectful and use correct spelling. I will be watching to see who posts comments. It's nice to hear from your friends.

So Proud!!!

Boys and Girls,
I have to say how proud I am that so many of you have taken the initiative to write blogs about the happenings in grade 5 and in and around the school. You have done such a great job, I can't wait to read the ones that are still to come. Keep thinking of ideas that you can write about. Keep up the great work!!!

field trip

It was December 8 2011 ,it was the best day! we went to the field Study centre. although we didn't get to go with Miss.Rattner because she hurt her back. then Miss.Rattner told Miss.Lewis that she had to come with us so Miss.Lewis and my class went to the field study centre. Then the instructor told us how they get all the animals and we all ask question. then the instructor told us to go and put our outdoor shoes on so we did. we went outside and we got into our groups we did challenges altogether.then we ate our food .after lunch we went outside we got in 2 pairs and we did lots of fun things with our partners it was great.Miss.Lewis like how we work together as groups and how we work together as partners.Then we all went to the bus and that bus driver dived us back to school.we loved our field trip it was great!!!  

Science Corner!

    Welcome to the Science Corner! Our unit in science is a blast, because we are learning about Matter and its characteristics. We also have a funky matter song to remind us about the three main types of matter. Solids like rocks, Liquids like water, and Gases like steam. We also do experiments in science. We did experiments on volume, pysical changes, and properties of matter.

                          And now some Comments from the class.

    Daniel : " I think science is very fun because we did experiments and it's better than doing worksheets. Experiments help us interact and learn more.

Rahul : "I think science is very informative and the experiments are fun".

Wednesday 30 November 2011

New Bitstrips Activities

Check out three of the new Bitsrips activities that I have just put up. Remember the code is Rattner1. Have fun, be responsible and respectful and I will post your comics so the class can enjoy them.

Bitstrips for Schools

Tuesday 29 November 2011

It's Been Awhile

I know it's been awhile since I have written on our classroom blog. I hope to get the boys and girls more involved in writing for the blog as part of Media Literacy.

Check out the new video I put on the Changes in Properties of Matter, enjoy it!

I hope everyone will come out on the 21st of December for our Winter Holiday concert. The boys and girls will be performing a song, it's going to sound great. Save the Date!!!!

Just in case you want to comment on anything that you see or do on this blog, feel free to do so, but please make sure that it is appropriate and that your spelling is correct.

Thursday 27 October 2011

Bitstrips CODE!!!

The code for Room 112 for Bitsrips is rattner1.
Enjoy some of the new activities that I have just posted.

Students Involve themselves in writing our Class Blog

Grade 5 Class Works on Lit log
By:Jennella Watson

Ms. Rattner's grade 5 class succeeds in writing their lit log journal. The new way to communicate to Ms. Rattner about what they read. They also write about the characters in the books they read. The students love to write to their teacher. "You can tell Ms. Rattner about the books you read", says Keyshawn . "Its the best", says Chrishayna . It looks like the like the lit log will be used for a long time.

New People
By: Jennella Watson

Marina is from California.
She is 9 years old.
Her background is Brazilian.

Jennella is from Toronto.
She is 10 years old.
Her background is Jamaican.

Both girls are good friends in many ways.

Thursday 20 October 2011

Happy to be back!

It's been great getting back into the swing of things with the boys and girls in room 112. We are busy learning and growing everyday. Our focus in writing is "how to write a review". The girls and boys get to choose whether they would like to write a book, movie or video game review. We have looked closely at text features and together have developed success criteria to keep us on track. In reading, I have introduced a book called the Book Lover's Book, each student has one and it is a way for the boys and girls to keep track of their reading, some of our mini lessons and guided reading discussions. It is also a way for me to watch how each student thinks while they are reading. I am excited about this new learning tool in our class. The children seem excited too. They all wrote their first "literature log" to me this week. A Literature Log is a letter to me about their reading. It's a way that they can show me what they are thinking, what questions they might have, predictions they may be making. It's a conversation between them and me.
The boys are girls are keen when it comes to learning Math. We have just started our second unit on Patterning.
Our focus until the end of November will be Canadian Government. They have spent a lot of time learning about the 3 levels of government. We will switch our focus to how a bill becomes a law, citizenship, and rights and freedoms of Canadians.
In Science we are focused on Energy Conservation, learning about the many forms of energy. Check out the science videos on Brain Pop.
It's been a great start and I am sure it will continue. The boys and girls are working hard.
Have a great weekend.
Miss Rattner

Thursday 6 October 2011

Welcome to Grade Five!

Welcome to our Grade Five Blog,

It's a place where parents and students can check in to see what is going on in Room 112. I usually post current happenings such as projects, homework, books that we're reading in class as well as educational links for the students to use at home. I kept a blog last year and the boys and girls really enjoyed seeing their art work, projects and photos of school happenings on this blog.
I look forward to continuing the blog this year with your children.