Thursday, 27 October 2011

Bitstrips CODE!!!

The code for Room 112 for Bitsrips is rattner1.
Enjoy some of the new activities that I have just posted.

Students Involve themselves in writing our Class Blog

Grade 5 Class Works on Lit log
By:Jennella Watson

Ms. Rattner's grade 5 class succeeds in writing their lit log journal. The new way to communicate to Ms. Rattner about what they read. They also write about the characters in the books they read. The students love to write to their teacher. "You can tell Ms. Rattner about the books you read", says Keyshawn . "Its the best", says Chrishayna . It looks like the like the lit log will be used for a long time.

New People
By: Jennella Watson

Marina is from California.
She is 9 years old.
Her background is Brazilian.

Jennella is from Toronto.
She is 10 years old.
Her background is Jamaican.

Both girls are good friends in many ways.

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Happy to be back!

It's been great getting back into the swing of things with the boys and girls in room 112. We are busy learning and growing everyday. Our focus in writing is "how to write a review". The girls and boys get to choose whether they would like to write a book, movie or video game review. We have looked closely at text features and together have developed success criteria to keep us on track. In reading, I have introduced a book called the Book Lover's Book, each student has one and it is a way for the boys and girls to keep track of their reading, some of our mini lessons and guided reading discussions. It is also a way for me to watch how each student thinks while they are reading. I am excited about this new learning tool in our class. The children seem excited too. They all wrote their first "literature log" to me this week. A Literature Log is a letter to me about their reading. It's a way that they can show me what they are thinking, what questions they might have, predictions they may be making. It's a conversation between them and me.
The boys are girls are keen when it comes to learning Math. We have just started our second unit on Patterning.
Our focus until the end of November will be Canadian Government. They have spent a lot of time learning about the 3 levels of government. We will switch our focus to how a bill becomes a law, citizenship, and rights and freedoms of Canadians.
In Science we are focused on Energy Conservation, learning about the many forms of energy. Check out the science videos on Brain Pop.
It's been a great start and I am sure it will continue. The boys and girls are working hard.
Have a great weekend.
Miss Rattner

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Welcome to Grade Five!

Welcome to our Grade Five Blog,

It's a place where parents and students can check in to see what is going on in Room 112. I usually post current happenings such as projects, homework, books that we're reading in class as well as educational links for the students to use at home. I kept a blog last year and the boys and girls really enjoyed seeing their art work, projects and photos of school happenings on this blog.
I look forward to continuing the blog this year with your children.